Friday, July 4, 2008

The Weeds are Gone

I have spent the last 4 days outside doing yard work. Yes, that's right, outside where it is hot, where you sweat and get dirty. All the things I hate about being outside. I would rather do work inside where it is cool, you don't get dirty and you don't sweat. I was mowing, edging, weeding, weeding and more weeding. Mark would come and tell me that I was doing it the hard way. All he needed to do was spray his magical liquid and the weeds would be dead in a week or two. But, I like to see results fast. I don't like to wait for things to happen. Does that mean I am impatient? There are 3 islands when you first come into our property where I spent most of my time. They were covered with palm fronds, weeds and vines. I also took the shovel and made a nice edge all the way around the three islands. Everytime I drive by those islands I go really slow and look at how beautiful they are now. That work was worth all the effort.
So here are the islands after the weeding.


nanamoo said...

I like pulling weeds feels like you really got rid of them...LOL

debbie said...

where are the before and after pictures? We want to enjoy them, too. I guess you'll have to invite us out.

On another note, I was waiting for Lew to get out of a meeting on Sunday and I was talking on my cell phone and since I can't stand still and do just one thing, I started weeding the flower bed. So that bed by the front parking spaces at the church has been weeded. And I talked to my friend for about half an hour. I love weeding and cell phones. Who knew they went together?

pamsplace said...

hey, Mary. My husband has been gone a week now and he will be gone for another week......sound familiar??? So what have I been doing????PULLING WEEDS!!! Every day. I have green stained hands! Its hard work...but like you said REWARDING. I like your Moments with Mary but I miss the rainbow