Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our Faith... Soaring to New Heights

We had our Primary Activity today from 4:00-6:00. The kids rotated through 7 different activities. One of the activities was to write a gospel message on the balloon. My message said, "I know that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father. I know that He loves me."
After we ate, we all stood together and released them. However, I was making a balloon for Gavin and didn't get to release mine with the others. When I got out there I released mine and the wind took it straight into a tree. So I went in to make another one with the same message. This time I went out into an open field away from the trees. It had no problems soaring this time. I wonder where it will end up and who may find it.
When we were cleaning up I walked over to the tree where my first one went and I couldn't find it. Maybe that one went on its way too.
We all had a great time being together and having fun. I had some fun myself. I joined the CTR class and ate donuts on a string. They were yummy. Thanks to all who helped to make this a success.
As you know I still don't have great internet access so I don't have pictures. If you would like to see some pictures go to


nanamoo said...

It sounds wonderful and I know that you yourself are a wonderful primary worker.

SpaceyKasey said...

What a cool activity. Those kids must just love you.

P.S. I LOVE the song "After All" from your blog. Ah, memories.

Anonymous said...

What a fun time! Still snowing in here. Enjoy your warm weather:)