Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wendy Dress

My friend, Ashlea, asked me to come over and help her make a Wendy (from Peter Pan) dress for her daughter's Halloween costume. I gladly accepted the offer. This time I brought some scissors, my pins, a seam ripper, a measuring tape and a few other things. She told me that she went out and bought those things. I just wanted to be sure we had everything we needed. I got over there around 1:00 in the afternoon. I showed her how to lay out the fabric and get it all cut out.
Once all the cutting was done, we were ready to sew. However, the sewing machine wasn't ready to sew. It was not being very cooperative. There was something wrong with the stitching. We tried adjusing the tension and even rethreaded it. NO GOOD! The only thing we needed was a sewing machine now. I didn't think to bring that with me. So, I looked at her and said let's go to my house and get my machine. When we got back to her house we were ready to begin.
Everything worked out great! It was around 8:00 and the only things left were the zipper and the hem. I needed to go to Wal Mart and do my grocery shopping. So I told her that I would take the dress home and do the zipper there during the week. Grace overheard this and with the saddest voice said, "She can't take my Wendy dress home." She finally agreed to let me take it home, but I knew she wanted that dress. So I thought as long as I can get out of here by 9:30 I will be fine.
Back to sewing. I told Ashlea to look in the bag for a zipper foot. She said, "A What?" I explained to her what it looked like. She found it and we went to put it one and I realized she had the zipper foot for her machine not mine. What do we do now? I couldn't remember if I have ever put on a zipper without a zipper foot. Well, we had not choice but to try. It actually worked out quite well with a little improvising.
Grace was still awake when the hem was finished, which meant the Wendy dress was done. We had her try it on. She looked beautiful! She doesn't need a dress to make her look beautiful, but the two of them put together made you smile. I can't wait to see her in it with her hair all done. And of course, with Peter Pan standing beside her. Gavin will be Peter Pan.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fun with a Friend

I was driving to work today and heard the author of The Secret Life of Bees discussing her book. The story sounded really interesting. The converstation then lead to how her book became a movie. The movie was opening tonight. I thought, "I want to go see that." So when I got to school I was talking with some teachers out on the playground about this and one said to me, "I'll go if you want some company." I thought how fun that would be.
After work I stayed at school for a while to get some things done. I then headed to the mall to meet Julie. We met up and I told her I was starving. So, I grabbed a sub at Quiznos while she went to Bath and Body Works.
The movie was great. It was definately a girly movie. I laughed durnig one part when a dessert was brought out. It was a pineapple ring that had half of a banana sticking up through the hole. I turned to Julie and said, "My mom used to make us those, but ours had a cherry at the top of the banana." As soon as I said that, someone stuck a cherry on the top of the banana. I told Julie about the time my mom made brussel sprouts. I would not eat mine. The dessert was one of those pineapple banana things. She placed that dessert right in front of me. I think she did that so I would eat the brussel sprouts. The things we do to get our kids to do things. Anyways my brother wouldn't eat his brussel sprouts either. She then sent him to the kitchen. I think she was separarting the brussel sprout non-eaters. I finally gave in and ate the brussel sprouts and then I got to eat the treat. You will never guess what happened with my brother. He sat a little longer and she finally gave into him. He didn't have to eat the brussel sprouts and he got to eat the dessert. I have never forgotten that event in my life.
Back to the movie. I really enjoyed the movie, laughing and being with a friend. I really would like to read the book now. Books give so much more detail.
After the movie we went to Olive Garden and had pumpkin cheesecake. It was fantastic. They only have it this time of year. I may have to make another trip there soon.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Can You Add?????

I was on the phone tonight with Scholastic (book club) ordering books for my students. When the order was finished the representative was reviewing my totals and bonus points. She told me that I had earned 102 bonus points. I had her repeat the bonus points because it was different than what I came up with. I came up with 128. It was only a 26 point discrepancy, but points add up over the years. That means more free books for the classroom. Anyways I asked her about this and she said, " I can't do anything about that, the computer came up with that number." Don't you just love computers sometimes?
She then put me on hold to talk with someone about it. When she got back on the line she said that the total was 102. I said to her, "When you add 32 and 96 together it equals 128." She told me that she could transfer me to someone in customer service.
I explained to the lady how the computer came up with 102 instead of 128. She put me on hold to talk with someone else. When she got back on the line she said that they would give me the 128 points, but she couldn't see where that came from. Hello, 32 points plus 96 extra points = 128 points. Do people know how to add or do they always rely on a computer?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our Faith... Soaring to New Heights

We had our Primary Activity today from 4:00-6:00. The kids rotated through 7 different activities. One of the activities was to write a gospel message on the balloon. My message said, "I know that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father. I know that He loves me."
After we ate, we all stood together and released them. However, I was making a balloon for Gavin and didn't get to release mine with the others. When I got out there I released mine and the wind took it straight into a tree. So I went in to make another one with the same message. This time I went out into an open field away from the trees. It had no problems soaring this time. I wonder where it will end up and who may find it.
When we were cleaning up I walked over to the tree where my first one went and I couldn't find it. Maybe that one went on its way too.
We all had a great time being together and having fun. I had some fun myself. I joined the CTR class and ate donuts on a string. They were yummy. Thanks to all who helped to make this a success.
As you know I still don't have great internet access so I don't have pictures. If you would like to see some pictures go to