Saturday, December 13, 2008

Weeds or Flowers?

Today was one of those days when you ask yourself, "Did I sit down once today?" When I began to make a batch of Christmas cookies around 4:00 I was a little touchy. I sort of got on Taylor for not having the floor swept yet. While I was putting all the ingredients into the bowl he came in and set something on the counter and walked away. I glanced down and noticed he placed a flower on the counter. Was he trying to get me out of my bad mood?
A little while later he came in from outside and Andrea walked through the kitchen. I said, "Look, a flower from Taylor." (I wanted him to know that I saw it). She replied, "It's a weed." I said, "No, it's a flower." She said, "It's a weed." I then said, "It's all in how you look at it."
Things were not going well and the floor still was not done. He must have sensed that I was in a bad mood again. He said, "I think I need to go out and get you another flower." I just smiled.
Now I have 2 flowers sitting in my kitchen.


nanamoo said...

flowers are always a good idea :)

Melody said...

That is so sweet.

Anonymous said...

That's a sweet story. You have a great son.

pamsplace said...

Hey Mar, its time to do your Christmas post. I just finished mine